We hitch a ride on a rocket with a couple of Space Brothers, sus out the traitors in Among Us, discuss the current state of late night television, and more.

Season 2 of Quarantine Chronicles has arrived! What new mysteries and secrets will be revealed? Will the season be darker than season 1? What storylines will be the subject of water cooler talks around the country? And most importantly, will our heroes ever get out of their contract with RNHQ? The answer to that last is no. We’re stuck here. Forever.

On today’s episode, we hitch a ride on a rocket with a couple of Space Brothers, we sus out the traitor with Among Us, and we discuss the current state of late night television and our hate Jimmy Fallon. Not really, but eh.

Let us know what you think about the podcast, either in the comments or on our Twitter @RandomNintendo. Subscribe to our podcast on Apple PodcastsSpotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or whatever podcast app tickles your fancy. We’re even RandomNintendoCom on YouTube.

Per the usual, down below are the timestamps to the different segments.


[0:02] Too many subscription services!
[0:20] Taking flight with Space Brothers
[0:44] Sussing out Among Us 
[0:56] The current state of late night television (Or “Conan is the worst talk show host, prove me wrong”)

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