The gang have reached the embarrassing hair stage of lockdown, but we're not letting that dampen our spirits. Avoiding the inevitable home haircut, we rundown all the latest technology news in Watchtower Weekly. We also share some tips to help manage your 1Password account, and launch a Random Act of Kindness giveaway.

Watchtower Weekly

A new iPhone email security bug may let hackers steal private dataAfter intense scrutiny, Zoom tightens up security with version 5Microsoft Teams fixes funny Gifs cyber-attack flawStripe is logging your mouse movements on websites' payment pagesCuttlefish changing colors


Ask us anything! Please use the #Ask1Password hashtag or send us an email at [email protected].

Real or Not Real?

Chameleons change colors to camouflage themselves. Read more here.

Random Act of Kindness  - Giveaway time!

Please suggest someone who needs 1Password in these difficult times, maybe they’re working really hard on the frontlines or as an essential worker. Please tweet us @1Password using the #Ask1Password hashtag.

Giveaway closes on May 25th. We will announce the winners on the following episode. Winners will receive 3 years of 1Password for free.

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