Previous Episode: LD118 - Silverado (1985)
Next Episode: 868 - Tampopo (1985)

It goes without saying that this is a big one for us.  Akira Kurosawa’s classic tale of peasants-seek-samurai/samurai-get-crew-together/samurai-kill-bandits is both a highly influential titan in 20th-century cinema and perhaps one of the most defining films of the Criterion Collection.  But will our episode attain similar lofty heights among movie podcasts?  Well, Takashi Shimura is standing over there with the barest hint of a smile in his eyes giving us a single nod of approval.  So, yeah.  I think we did it.

If you’d like to watch ahead for next week’s film, we will be discussing and reviewing Juzo Itami’s Tampopo (1985).