Wow, Andy and I have gotten this thing down to a science. We didn't even communicate about finishing and posting the episode. I just checked the proper filespace at the appropriate time, and poof, there was the hour long episode of tasty nerdyness.

<Puts on his webmaster hat>

Creating this new site was an incredible learning experience for me. It's the first real web programming I've ever done. There are, of course, several things that I now wish I had done differently, and I will probably try to incorporate them into the next incarnation. As such though, I apologize for any strange behavior of this site. I'm still trying to work out a few kinks. And impliment the user stuff....


I should also take this time to remind you of a few things. First, we have a twitter. If the RSS feed just isn't enough, and you want a more immediate update, follow us there. We, that is to say, Andy and I, also have twitters for ourselves, rather than for the podcast. I'll let him post his if he wants, but here's mine. Also, the forums are back! Not only that, but I'm trying to stay relatively active in them, checking at least ... once a week...

That about sums it up for the updates for now. So, I'm off to bed....


LT the BP

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