Well, we hope you all like our April Fool's episode. We haven't done one before, and it was a lot of fun to try to put it together. Andy took the original idea with it and ran.

However, that's not what I'm here to write about. What I want to tell you, those of you who read these things, is that we have started a survey. We get several kinds of metrics for this site, but they provide conflicting information. We would like to find out a bit of our own information. As such, there is a RAPodcast Listener Survey for you to go off to. Please, only complete it once. It is 10 questions and won't take much of your time. We have 2 $10 and 1 $20 amazon gift card that we will be sending to 3 random survey participants (assuming you include your email in the contact info section), as well as the possibility of other cool things for us to send to you. More details will be in Monday's Episode, but please please please go fill it out! Thanks,
