I continue with my music filled editions of extra this week. In my news round up you get my take on the leaked Wonder Woman pilot by David E. Kelly, Charlie Sheen's tv death and new Thundercats to hit the small screeen. First up it is a collection of songs in the blu-ray review of Jewel : The Essential LIVE Songbook Songbook (courtesy of eOne Entertainment) as the Alaskan born singer preforms many of her songs. Then it is another female singer with the blu-ray review of Shery Crow LIVE (courtesy of eOne Entertainment) as she preofrms many of her greatest hits in front of a big crowd. It's a trip to Apsen with horny young men with the dvd review of Cougar Hunting (courtesy of Alliance Films) in this American Pie-esk movie. Music for this episode features the songs Jewel Robber by Conconquidore Truidorernt and Coyote_(Rattlesnake_Bride) by Heather Morgan, they can all be found at www.blackstackmusic.com. Other instrumental music is by the band Mr. Burns (www.mrburnsmusic.com). As always your comments and suggestions.