This one was requested by one of my AMAZING listeners. Its funny how our minds work when we're younger. How we follow what we're "supposed to do" because that's what's expected of us. I've tried. Lordy I've tried. It all never felt right. Like when you get a pair of shoes you like, but they only have them in a half a size smaller than what fits you, and you get them anyways. They feel slightly uncomfortable, you try not to pay attention to the fact that you've had to put bandaids on to your feet where the shoes have rubbed blisters. How long are you gonna keep trying to where them? It's time to ask yourself WHY you like them. IF you even like them, Who said you had to get them. It's funny how we keep the same stories, and never question them. Question the hell out of everything. You'll be profoundly shocked.

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