I am a talker, through and through. Because of that, I was shamed for being the quirky individual I am, aaaaaaand became quiet. I can't and won't do that anymore. I have entirely too much to say. Too many jokes to crack, and too many stories to tell, dripping with sarcasm. Life is too much without laughter. I've been dealt a shit hand in some peoples eyes, but I choose to make the best of it, whenever possible, damnit. I've been married, and divorced, currently single, I am in my 30's and live at home with my parents, I was diagnosed with Friedrich's Ataxia at the age of 8, spinal fusion at 17, sober since January 2019, and I am in a wheelchair. You know what those things sound like to me? Gifts. Reasons to live. I am very grateful for the life I have. Maybe I can make you see life in a new way too. Stop and smell them roses.


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