Aloha Listener,

First and foremost, let me apologize for my personal audio in this episode. My mic malfunctioned and I didn't find out until after. Still, Mike Molina's audio is great, and he does most of the talking. By the way, in this episode I chat with Councilmember Mike Molina, who is currently running to be the next Mayor of Maui County. Fans of the show might remember that I interviewed Councilmember Molina way back in December 2019, and interestingly enough, I think I asked him about a run for Mayor way back then. In this interview, we touch on his ideas to address affordable housing and economic diversification, as well as his thoughts on recent additions to the Star Wars universe. If you want to learn more about Mike Molina and his campaign for mayor, I encourage you to check out his campaign website:

Mahalo for listening, and please subscribe to the podcast for more interviews. 
