Heather and I had a fascinating conversation that touched on the respective roles of the public sector, both federal and state, as well as the private sector in advancing a clean energy future. We agreed on a lot, disagreed on some, but the tenor of the conversation and one that I hope can be mimicked by our political leaders, was characterized by mutual respect, data-driven arguments, and an understanding that while reasonable people can disagree on how to get there, the goalposts must be climate change mitigation.

Tune in as we discuss:

Clean energy policiesThe role of media in the clean energy industryPerspectives on the respective roles of the federal and state government in fighting climate changeThe optimal way that the public and private sectors can best partner for climate change mitigationFacilitating bipartisanship solutionsNational Clean Energy Week 2020...and more

National Clean Energy Week 2020 will be held on Sept 21 - 25. Learn more and register here: https://nationalcleanenergyweek.org/