Raising Expectations with Pastor Joe Schofield, Stefanie and Dr Craig Thayer, Dr Paul Hall, and Ron Greer

Mark & Belinda Rich: Wycliffe Translators on “Raising Expectations!”
We are blest to have with us this week, Mark and Belinda Rich, who serve people here and around the world with Wycliffe Bible Translators and JAARS.
Part of their work is to serve and equip local translation teams so they can bring the Bible alive for their people!
The logistics involved can be very difficult and different in certain situations but God always makes the way clear and His Word comes alive in the hearts of the people.
Mark and Belinda are wonderful servants for the Lord and the power of His Word!
What a perfect time to hear from them as we celebrate Christmas- the giving of the “Greatest Gift” ever given by God… His only begotten Son and our Savior Jesus Christ.
He became ONE of US… that He could…PAY the PRICE for US and friends, He is…Coming Again for US - all who repent and put our faith and trust in Him!
God uses Mark and Belinda’s committed lives and Faith to bring that Good News around the world!
So tune in and watch on one of five platforms listed below and prayerfully share your comments with us!
*May God speak to all of US reminding US how much we love Him and His Precious Word! 🙏📖
Till then, have a blest selfless weekend and see you on…
“Raising Expectations !”
6:00pm Pacific
8:00pm Central
9:00pm Eastern
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Pastor Joe Joe Schofield
Dr. Paul Paul Hall
Stef Stefanie Shaw Thayer
Dr. Craig Craig Tank Thayer
Pastor Ron Ron Greer