When leaders do their best, everyone’s better for it. That’s a bit of wisdom from this week’s guest. Adam Bradley is the founder of Lead ‘Em Up, a company that helps coaches develop their athletes into leaders both in sports and everyday life. Leadership is a lifestyle, after all, Bradley says. It can’t just come …

When leaders do their best, everyone’s better for
it. That’s a bit of wisdom from this week’s guest. Adam Bradley is the founder
of Lead ‘Em Up, a company that helps coaches develop their athletes into
leaders both in sports and everyday life. Leadership is a lifestyle, after all,
Bradley says. It can’t just come out in only one aspect of you or your players’
lives; it has to be present all the time.

Relationships are key to players’ learning
leadership skills. If they trust you as a coach, mentor, or parent, and if you
are able to communicate with them effectively, you can build a good
relationship with them. Then, they can build that same kind of relationship
with their fellow athletes. With that as the foundation of a team, players can
learn the skills and build the courage to lead one another and boost their
peers and teams to success.

What You’ll Learn:

Build a relationship foundation so players lead one anotherGet to know players and build trust with themBe intentional about communicationDevelop better focus on tasksElevate leadership development to the level of skills development


“Maybe the home is the best training ground for
your player as an athlete. Maybe it’s actually more effective than the hundreds
of dollars you spend hourly on a trainer. Maybe there’s more value found in the
little details of your parenting in raising this young son or daughter. That
could be the game changer.” -Adam Bradley

“Leadership is a lifestyle. It’s not just in
season. It needs to be all seasons.” -Adam Bradley

“How you do anything is how you do everything.”
-Adam Bradley

“We’ve got to communicate in such a way that
resonates, that makes sense, that gives them a frame of reference that they can
comprehend.” -Adam Bradley

“We’ve got to recognize and be very intentional
in a team environment that we truly are living out what we claim to be.” -Adam


You can find out more about Lead ‘Em Up online at leademup.com.  You can also follow on Twitter @Lead_em_up and on Instagram @leademup. You can follow Adam Bradley on his personal social media @abradley5.

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