You are in for a TREAT. We are rounding out the holiday season with a real delight. For our final episode of the year, we had the honor and privilege of featuring Darcy Lockman, author of All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership, who shares with us much of the wisdom of her book. You won’t want to miss it!

Highlights from this episode include:

Katie has lost all meaning of time and space in the graduate-school-pregnancy vortex

Contrary to the topic of our interview, we learn that Katie’s husband is taking on alllll the nesting. Katie thinks she’s 30-something-ish weeks along, maybe? She doesn’t know.

Lee Ann got a new job and lost half her hair. It’s a thing! Hair loss is everywhere these days. Shout-out to all the women who have gone bald for any reason.

Katie and Lee Ann discuss the making of the “holiday magic” and the disproportionate amount of that somehow-magic-happens work that falls disproportionately on the shoulders of moms. The only magic around here is the seamless segue to the interview with Darcy Lockman about her book, All the Rage: Mothers, Fathers, and the Myth of Equal Partnership.

Interview: Y’all. Drop everything and get your copy TODAY. All the Rage puts the data behind gender roles and the consequential inequality in parenthood. How does our patriarchal upbringing affect our parenting and partnering? Lockman argues that despite significant changes in the work force, home life has not shifted as substantially, and women in heterosexual relationships still shoulder about 2/3 of the work of parenting. These women are frustrated and tired. Lockman explores some of the reasons why and what we can hope to do about it (beside moving to Scandinavia).

She also discusses the term “intensive mothering," and how it may be linked to cultural anxiety of women’s return to work. GAH! All the Rage was a real eye-opener for us, and so many others. We think you will love it. So read it or listen to it on audiobook, and then share it with your friends… and your partner!

Solicited advice: Katie asks about rolling pins. She totally does.

Highs and lows: Contrary to our interview topic, one weekend, Katie did all the things and found it wonderful! It is possible!

Many thanks to Darcy Lockman for joining us, and to all of you for being a part of Raising Cascadia this year!