In this, another Bonus Episode, Katie talks with representatives from Baby Blues Connection about what postpartum looks like now that quarantine is in effect.

Board members Trinity Toft, LCSW, and Dr. Noelle King, ND explain logistics to resources and more.

In this, another Bonus Episode, Katie talks with representatives from Baby Blues Connection about what Postpartum looks like now that quarantine is in effect. Board members Trinity Toft, LCSW and Dr. Noelle King, ND were kind enough to talk to Katie about some of the challenges of postpartum in general, in addition to specific challenges right now, during the pandemic.

Highlights include:

Baby Blues Connection: Virtual meetups and 24/7 access to support for families coping with pregnancy and postpartum mood disorders

How postpartum looks different right now

Grief and its link to PPD/PPA

How can support people still support postpartum moms and families now that they can not physically help with things

How to prepare, as best you can, to set yourself up for a healthy postpartum period

Tackling concerns about appropriate social development in infants and toddlers

Sleep deprivation during postpartum

Finding support with breastfeeding and what that looks like durning shelter in place orders

If you are experiencing any signs of a perinatal mood disorder, (or just need someone to talk to) please reach out to Baby Blues Connection on their website or Facebook page. BBC is able to meet you wherever you are on your journey with respect and compassion. Anyone is welcome. Please know that you don't need a formal diagnosis to connect with BBC.

To get in touch with Trinity Toft, LCSW, visit or email [email protected]. You can also check out her Instagram (@themotherbirth) or book a virtual appointment at

You can reach Dr. Noelle King by visiting or emailing [email protected].

To request information about their class, Real World Postpartum, send an email to [email protected].