People always say, "Shameca, you encourage me." "You just speak the words that I need to hear," "You're so open and vulnerable." I love hearing all of that from you. It means a lot to me.

But I have to tell you, this is just scary. I share some stuff that I sometimes want to keep to myself. It takes courage to show up and lead by example. Not many women look like me, who have the color of my skin or as quirky as me in my purple hair. There's a particular type that has million-dollar businesses, and I don't necessarily fit that type. What I want you to know is that if it's possible for me, it's possible for you!

In this new episode of the Raise Your Game podcast, I want to have a real, honest, and open conversation with you about my journey and how you, too, can unlock the code to your millions.

Key points we covered in this episode:

✔️ Everything that you believe is not a belief. It's a decision you made about an interaction, a situation, an experience that you have had at some point in your life. Believing that it will take ten years to reach $1,000,000 is a decision. That's a decision that then becomes a belief that will eventually drive your actions. That's why your choices are so important; they become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

✔️ If you have the dream and the desire to be the first to create millions and shift the wealth code for future generations of your family, right now, start changing the code of how you think.

✔️ YOU ARE BORN TO PLAY BIG. If you have hit a plateau or minimum ceiling in your income, it's a sign that your belief about yourself and your potential keeps you playing small and staying beneath the promises of God for your life. Your current identity does not match your next level. You have to think like a million-dollar mogul; you have to see yourself in that reality.

✔️ To access the CODE TO MILLIONS, you have to RECODE YOUR MIND. Have the courage to transform your subconscious, the blocks, and thought patterns that keep you from becoming who you are meant to be! Greatness is already in your very DNA, and it's your job you pass it on from generation to generation by constantly up-leveling yourself first. That takes courage. And along with that, you're going to need the courage to expand rapidly and the belief that you deserve to receive more than you can ever imagine!

✔️ How will the generations from now remember your NAME?
What will you leave behind? From this point, be intentional in building your personal legacy. Build a business that survives and thrives with you no longer in it. Build a business that will create impact beyond your lifetime.


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too.

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales.