Do you know what STOPS the most brilliant bad a$$ business owners from making more sales? The fear of money and the fear of becoming great. πŸ‘ˆπŸ½

Listen, poverty is NOT noble and you do not have to do things for free just to make a sale down the road. In this episode,Β  learn how to turn even the most skeptical prospects into highly committed buyers with empowered selling.

Key points we covered in this episode:

βœ”οΈ Working in sales is an honorable profession. As a service-based entrepreneur, you have the power to help others to see what's holding them back and showing them what's possible, showing them their potential and creating a bridge from where they are to where they desire to be.

βœ”οΈΒ  You have been taught to fear, feel guilty and be ashamed of money. We have been instilled with the idea that poverty is noble and that having integrity in our work means doing it for free. Remember, money doesn't make you inherently good, and neither makes you a bad person.Β 

βœ”οΈΒ  Be a reflection of the buyer you want. Understand what your ideal clients should be and take action to get in alignment with that. Sales is a beautiful mirror for you to see where you need to level up in any area of your life to show up in your best self inside and out.

βœ”οΈ Β  You can't overcome any objections that you have to yourself or that you believe are valid. Β There's a difference between wanting to help people and really helping them, and that difference takes courage. You can't stand in the middle of your stories, your fears, and your excuses, accepting them as truth and expecting your prospects not to mirror back the same thing to you.Β 

βœ”οΈΒ  Cultivate a deep knowledge of how your work changes lives. Β When you truly know at your core that your craft shapes another person's future and you've done the inner work to solidify that belief, you will intuitively know and find the right people who are the perfect fit for your service or your program. Transform your clients' lives and make bank while doing it.

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Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too.Β 

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