I get asked quite often: 

How do you make $1,000,000 a month? 

How do you make $1,000,000 day? 

How did you create a $1,000,000 business? 

And I feel like people are so stuck in this. Often we focus on the strategy of it all yet miss some of the more significant components. The key to going from six figures to seven figures is not what you hear from most people and the online gurus selling their strategies. It's not the reels, funnels, and new social media trends you think you need to build your business. 

It's in the BECOMING.

Notice that every time something unusually amazing happens in your life, it is the product of taking drastic courageous action and having that conversation with fear.

It has never been a comfortable process but always worth it. Today I desire to challenge you to take a walk on the courageous side.

Key points we covered in this episode:

✔️ Prepare to blow your mind with this fact. Don't think about your goals as just a number sign because that's not what they are. They are energetic frequencies. The goal is not to hit them but to tune into them. Resonate on the same frequency as that goal so that you can call it effortlessly to yourself. 

 ✔️ More than anything, entrepreneurship is a game of courage. Those who play the game well can accomplish anything. Every dollar you earn and every zero in your bank account is a reflection of a time when you say YES to courage. Reaching every level of elevation requires having that conversation with fear. 

  ✔️Be willing to invest money, time and effort like your success is inevitable. It takes courage to do this in terms of mentoring, consulting, marketing, and everything we put in business. This also means investing in self-care and no longer holding off on everything until we get there 'one day'. Start to treat yourself well and live into that now, and you allow yourself to be exposed on the level that you desire to operate.


  ✔️The accelerated overflow of money is the byproduct of the person you become. Examine if you're not growing to the degree that you desire to. Are you becoming the leader who can have, hold and create that million dollar business?


 ✔️ I am here to normalize big money in the hands of incredibly good people. The more people are in alignment with who they desire to be, the more wealth and opportunities will flow to them.  

 ✔️Play Big is one of the most powerful programs & the most profound bodies of work I have ever created. We are going into the 17th round, and it's not about just the doing and strategy but becoming and reaching your upper level. I will be showing 30 leaders how to expand, have, hold, receive, what's next for them and turn their 100K year into a 100K month in 90 days or less. The money's not the best part of it. It is the person that emerges. 


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/