You are leaders of your communities, your tribes, and your families. It's who you are by design. But what happens when the leader doesn't have the capacity to lead? In this week's episode, Shameca's goal is to empower you to lead in a way that means something. The question for today is, what does business as activism mean for you?  

Part One of ‘My Business Is My Activism’

This past month, there is high racial tension in the United States and even worldwide as people are joining in, protesting and marching because of one major event. Few other ones have happened leading up to this point and also over the years. 

But the major event, the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in plain view of everyone, and it was recorded. Whatever happens in the world, your purpose and your calling have not changed. You are meant to lead other people to create generational wealth.

“Let’s be a Black Woman, my business IS my activism. My success is an act of rebellion.” — Shameca Tankerson

Do you even realize that your business is your activism? There are multiple levels of activism. Some are actively on the front lines and some are funding it. There is no right way to lead. Your way is the right way. As long as it's rooted in love and abundance and not lack and fear. 


Don't be one of those who are afraid to take a stand for what they believe in, because they were afraid to lose business. If your business is making enough money, you'll never be scared to take a stand for anything. If your business is making enough money, you can give it to the causes that you believe in. If a hurricane comes, you can send a plane full of food supplies and all of those things. And so, money should get in the hands of good people.

If we're going to talk about businesses as a whole in America, only 87% of small business owners ever cross the six-figure marks. The thing is, six figures are not even enough to make sense to be in business. Still, less than 4% of small businesses ever get to seven figures. The number for women is even lower, and it's even smaller, particularly for black women.


Part Two of ‘My Business Is My Activism’

If you're watching this and you're at six figures, you're ahead of the game. For independent contractors, the ability to make money is uncapped. No law says you can only make this much money or charge X for X yet. The reason why 80% of us don't ever hit six figures is that we've normalized struggling.

“Less than 4% of small businesses ever get to seven figures.” —  Shameca Tankerson 

What we need to normalize is that we have uncapped potential. We need to normalize the making, the receiving, and the charging of big money. If you want to make a difference in the world and want to choose business activism, it is no longer an acceptable level of play. And that's a commitment that you need to make to yourself.


When you're around people who don't believe in what's possible or help expand your vision of what's possible, you limit your capacity to grow. Thus, restricting your ability to earn, you limit your capacity to use your business as the vehicle that moves the world forward and has an impact in a more significant way.

About Shameca Tankerson 

Shameca Tankerson is an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and bestselling author. She is a badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence, and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt. She's called to challenge you to your greatness, stretch you, test your limits, and set fire to your fears. Her clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, who hold something so powerful, so wickedly incredible within… they are on the cusp of greatness - yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. 

Together we call on your courage, bust through fear, and awaken your inner powerhouse so you can stop apologizing, shrinking, hinting, whispering, asking for permission, giving in, and pretending to be satisfied with the status quo. It’s your time. Listen Love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow too. Discover how clients see your Level of Authority and any blocks sabotaging your sales.