How to Generate Money Right Now in Your Business

How can I generate money right now in my business? Have you been thinking about this the past few days? Every entrepreneur must figure out if they have a strong foundation in place. Especially once the fog clears up. In this week's episode, Shameca Tankerson talks about generating money in your business.

Part One of ‘How to Generate Money Right Now in Your Business’

Successful entrepreneurs know how to pivot quickly during challenging times. Some may not know what to do. You might be in fight or flight mode. You may be questioning if you should be selling the same offer or trying something different. You've got to evaluate your current situation and make decisions based on truth. Not fear.

You've got to know what to sell and how to sell right now without coming off as being insensitive or insincere. You need to discover a way for you to thrive in this current economy, not just survive. You want to thrive and flourish. You want to create confidence, certainty, and cash flow in your business. Don't wait until your money dries up before you figure things out. 

“There is an opportunity right now to generate money in your consulting, coaching, and service-based business.” — Shameca Tankerson (07:44-07:45)

The foundation of all of this is the mindset. Deciding what's going on in these times will dictate your results. What you have decided and what you believe matters. If you think people aren't buying right now, if you believe people don't have money to invest right now, if you believe people are pulling back on expenses and investing in other things, that will dictate your results in numbers. You can still close high dollar sales. Although that may not be the case for everyone. Consider looking at all opportunities to show up and serve.

You can be the little chicken leader who thinks everything is doom and gloom. Or you can be the kind of leader who's grounded and making sure your decisions aren't based on fear. You're constantly looking for ways to support people no matter what community you're in. People are looking for leadership right now. 

When the smoke clears, people are going to remember who was there for them. So, the question is, will you rise up? You want to refocus on how you can serve and lead at this time. The foundation of being able to do that in a powerful way is your mindset. What are you thinking? It's your energy. It's the energy with which you're showing up in the world right now.


Part Two of ‘How to Generate Money Right Now in Your Business’

If you keep on saying no one's spending money right now, and you're not going to make any money for thirty days, sixty days, or even ninety days, then you probably won't get any clients. But if you focus on things like planning for your website, working on your marketing message, or strategizing for the new thing you want to launch, you're actually dictating your results based on management decisions. 

You're taking actions in alignment with that decision, even if no one's buying right now. That is the power of a decision. It's how your brain works. You get to decide what you should be doing and what your truth is. The moment you decide, your brain immediately goes into action to find evidence to support that decision.

You get what you focus on. People are somehow spending despite what's happening right now. You must decide that it's OK for them to spend their money with you. You don't have to be in survival mode. You can flourish and thrive because you're worthy of overflow. It doesn't have to take a long time. You can create cash infusions right now. That's a decision you get to make at this moment.

“Hook your audience up with something highly valuable for free and keep selling whatever you've been selling at your usual price.” —  Shameca Tankerson 

Your marketing message is your offer. People buy based on emotion. People buy because you pull something in their hearts and their spirit. And when they check their emails, something about your message makes them feel like you're reading their mind. So, you want to pivot your messaging, not necessarily your offer.

We don't want a short-term offer that only solves a small solution. It needs to be in alignment with your long game. It can be a short-term answer for people, but it can't be a short-term pivot for you. That takes you entirely off. If you're doing something different when the fog clears, you will be starting over.

If a lot of your things have become automated, a lot of your business may become irrelevant. You may need to do some inventory on your funnels, your marketing swipe files, or emails that you've had set up to go out to shift that messaging just a little bit. Pivot your messaging based on the current challenge of social media. 

What's a unique solution that you can give others right now? Make sure the way you pivot your marketing message puts you into a position as an authority. You want messaging that will grab people. Get them to raise their hands and see that you have something that can really support them right now.

You want to serve and sell, but you want to make sound decisions. You don't need to discount anything right now to sell it. No problem if that's something that you desire to do because you have a generous heart. Go ahead, hook your audience up with something highly valuable for free. But alongside that, keep your prices the same. 

If you have some fears, the way that you address those fears is head-on. If you're worried about the economy, invest in something. Spend your money. Decide and show a signal that you're not afraid about money. It has not left the planet. The more money we make, the more we can give.

The more we can contribute, the more we can make a difference. That’s more you can use to boost the economy. More you can use to serve others. Put your content out there, and don't forget to sell. Add calls to actions for the next step. Make them highly relevant. Solve their pain. They want their pain solved. 

Highlight your results if you're running an evidence-based business. It's not about bragging. It's providing people the proof and the evidence that you know what you're doing and that it works, not just your mouth. If you're able to create results for your clients, then talk about those results. Share those results.

You're more likely to get chosen over newbies that are coming in and flooding the market. Everyone's working from home right now. People are going to be doubling down on starting their business because they have time. If you're established, and you have results, lead with them, show them. This is going to give your prospects that certainty, confidence, and security, knowing that you're the best person for the job because you have a proven track record.


The more you can share your results, the more you can transfer that sense of certainty and confidence to your ideal clients. I believe that those who show results are going to be the ones that thrive in this economic climate.

About Shameca Tankerson

Shameca Tankerson is an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and bestselling author. She is a badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence, and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt. She's called to challenge you to your greatness, stretch you, test your limits, and set fire to your fears. Her clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, who hold something so powerful, so wickedly incredible within… they are on the cusp of greatness - yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. 

Together we call on your courage, bust through fear, and awaken your inner powerhouse so you can stop apologizing, shrinking, hinting, whispering, asking for permission, giving in, and pretending to be satisfied with the status quo. It’s your time. Listen Love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow too. Discover how clients see your Level of Authority and any blocks sabotaging your sales.