Sometimes we have to be uncomfortable in order to achieve the business results that we want. 

There will always be seasons where we have to step outside of our comfort zone to arrive at our destination. That's required of us if we want to achieve the results we're capable of. 

Many people try to build successful businesses, but they're are unwilling to do the uncomfortable things that are necessary to get there and fail. Don't follow their lead! Get comfortable being uncomfortable and create the business you dream to create.

▶️ Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable


Key points discussed in this episode: 

✔️ It's okay to be uncomfortable. 

Tap into those moments of discomfort and take action anyway, even if it means doing something we don't enjoy or feel comfortable with.

✔️ Fear and apprehension are natural.

Fear and apprehension may arise when taking an uncomfortable action, but that fear is our brain's way of trying to keep us safe and comfortable, 

✔️ Taking risks and stepping outside of our comfort zone is necessary for growth and success.

It's easy to get stuck in our comfort zone and avoid taking risks, but if we want to achieve our full potential, we need to embrace discomfort and take action despite our fears. If we do that then we can open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences, and ultimately achieve the success we desire!


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales.