IMPORTANT NOTE: Game On! Live event has concluded. But, if you want to uplevel your business, visit

The topic of money is such an uncomfortable conversation for so many people.

My clients and I are making our peace with money and calling loads of it into our lives. 

Join me and my client, friend, and CFO Michelle Cooper as we chat about money and the growth journey to multiple millions in our businesses.

Key points we covered in this episode:

 ✔️ Expand your capacity to receive. When you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation because you feel like you don't belong financially speaking, take a deep breath. You belong everywhere that you are. You know you are wealthy. You are rich in the moment that you're in right now, more than you can ever possibly imagine.

 ✔️Give in to the emotions that you want to create more of. What are the types of feelings you want manifesting in your life? Feel within you the good that you know is possible for you, and try to surround yourself with as much good even if it's just in your little cocoon. 

 ✔️ Money loves speed, and fast decision-makers usually create more in their life. Get used to knowing your internal compass and trusting yourself. If you wait too long, more often than not, you lose. You wonder why things don't come to you or why you're not expanding how you want to — it is because of too much renumerating in your mind. Faith is good, but you need to take action.

 ✔️ Have to have the courage to trust again. Otherwise, you've already lost. I can't spend time trying to dismantle what you've experienced in this industry because of knowing how it hasn't been good all the time. But you've got to learn how to trust your knowing when something is for you. It's hard to do that when you trusted yourself before and have been let down and let down and thinking, "Oh, that didn't work". That's how life is, too.