What would you ask me if you could be a fly on the wall in my life or my business? 

In this special episode, I get candid and personal and answer big questions for you — sharing things that I wish other people would have shared with me along the way because it would have helped me get past some pitfalls. 

My life is about me walking this path and handing the roadmap and the formula to others to do the same thing. All the decisions, the scary things that I've done, and what I've gone through, allowing myself the grace to expand without judgment, continuing to empower others, and be an example to tell you — keep going. 

Key points we covered in this episode:

 ✔️ Often, people don't show the journey. They only talk about success as they arrive. For me, this has been a huge journey. Periods of financial drought in my business when I started out made me who I am and grew into a multimillion-dollar company.

 ✔️ Facts over feelings. The truth can set you free, and you must discern the lies that are holding you back. Look at the reality of what you're currently creating and not how you feel about it.

 ✔️ Acknowledge the awesome, brilliant, badass things that you actually are doing in your life. We've been told so often that we can't celebrate our wins, that it's "bragging" and all of those things. And so, when we do have successes, we hide it, and it perpetuates the illusion that we're not winning.

✔️ Get real about the secret conversations you're having with yourself. Stop sending your representative to the show and get real. You want to acknowledge what is so that you can deal with it. 

✔️ Any seeds that you sow in lack are going to produce lack. Suppose you are in a deficit with where you are in your life and your business, and all you focus on is the deficit; you are constantly perpetuating "not enough" that produces more lack and more lack.

✔️ If you were a mechanic and you did oil changes — 

Are you going to market to people who don't have cars yet?  Shift your selling to what the prospects need and want now. Focus on the buying audience!


✔️ If you have the knowing and the desire, it absolutely is yours!  Don't judge what you think it has to look like, assuming that your idea of how a multimillion-dollar business owner looks nothing like you. Success can come to you as fast as you will allow it. You got to be in the success of NOW.


Be on the lookout for Game On Live! It's coming! We're just internally allowing our clients to secure their seats at the event, and then we're going to go public. So it's November 11th through the 13th. I'm not talking about just building a business; I'm talking about using your business as a vehicle to build sustainable wealth that spans generations. 


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales @ GameOnLiveEvent.com.