Would you believe it if I told you that my business crossed one million dollars with one team member? I will repeat it, one team member! It can be done! I wasn't working 24/7; I don't work on the weekends, I don't work all hours of the night, I'm ruthless about self-care. You can build a business however you want, and it doesn't have to look like anyone else's.

I know I got you thinking... BUT HOW?

In this new episode of the Raise Your Game podcast, let's get down to the nitty-gritty as I share the strategy, the mindset including the resources that allowed me to have had a million dollars a month in November and almost 2M dollars in revenue during 2020. 

Key areas we covered in this episode:

✔️ Simplify. When it comes to your business, simple is best because what you're doing is you're trying to create a well-oiled machine. Pull back all the extra things taking your energy from trying to create the results you desire to make and focus on that one strategy and commit to execute consistently.

✔️ Improve, but don't change what's already working. 
Most people get bored before they can ever make their first million. They get bored, dig up their seeds, and start again from the beginning. Tweak a little here and there; keep the parts that work. The strategy that works and never fail is repetition and consistency. 

✔️ Get freaking clear on what makes you feel unworthy of the next level you desire! Stop looking at other people's business and thinking that what they are doing is the only way to go. For the next level you choose, you have everything you need. The wisdom you have, who you have become, and the leadership you have for yourself and your community are enough for who needs YOU next. 


It's my BIRTHDAY month!!!! 

So, I'm doing a thing... I'm letting you in on my journey to a million-dollar business.

Over the entire month, I'll share behind the scenes as I am upleveling myself and my brand. I'll also share the lessons I've learned and the people who've helped me get here.

PLUS.... I've got GIFTS for you!!!

I know it's MY birthday... but this year, I've been so blessed I want to GIVE!

So, I have a cool announcement to make too!

I'm giving an epic birthday giveaway where you can access fantastic resources from experts and influencers! These are people I trust and people that have been a part of my journey along the way. These are colleagues and mentors who have sown into my life and my business somehow, shape or form. And I want you to have access to them. They've partnered with me to give you courses, all kinds of resources that you can use to grow your business and unlock your own millionaire code. 

So, this is your opportunity to be generous. All of the proceeds will go to Thrive Rescue, an organization that supports stopping child trafficking in Thailand. You can donate as much as you want, but the minimum donation is forty-six dollars, and you get access to all of the goodies. 

Join in on the Birthday Bash Fundraiser: http://bit.ly/UnlockMillions

Sow a seed into your future, have a giver's heart even if you still don't have a giver's wallet.


Loved this episode? Know that it's your time. Listen, love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too. 

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/