I'm here to shatter the old money paradigm, like literally shatter the old money paradigm and put money in the hands of good people. I believe that is what is going to shift this planet and make the biggest difference in the world.

We're having a conversation about making massive money as fast as you possibly can and sometimes in ways that seem almost magical.

Here are the key areas we covered in this episode:

☑️ The old-fashioned notion that the "rich get richer, and the poor get poorer" is being dismantled. We see children and influencers making six figures a year. What we used to believe about making money is being revolutionized right before our eyes.

☑️ Not enough people know about the true methods of transformation -- awareness is one of the most powerful tools that you can have in your arsenal that can fuel rapid wealth acceleration.

☑️ What are your judgments and biases of the wealthy? If you talk about people with money like you don't like them and don't see yourself becoming one, you're pushing your million-dollar payday further and further away.

☑️ Being in the present with what you have now is going to get from here to there. Take action now and hold power what you need to do to access everything that God has already given you.

If this episode inspires you, know that it's your time. Listen love, when you stop playing small, and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow as you do too.

About Shameca Tankerson

On the Raise Your Game podcast, you get the opportunity to work with an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and best-selling author, badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt.

Shameca Tankerson's clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, and wickedly incredible within, yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. RAISE YOUR GAME is here to challenge your inner warrior to your greatness, test your limits, and set fire to your fears.

Discover how to achieve the next Level of Authority and remove any blocks sabotaging your sales. http://shamecatankerson.com/