Faith or Fear? (What Real Leadership Looks Like)

Before you even start reading this, take a deep breath, and slow down. It's so easy to get focus on everything that's going on, all the things we have to do. Trying to figure out what we should do about all the situations coming up.

Check how you’re feeling at the moment. Are you feeling anxious? Do you feel fear? If your answer is YES, realize that you could possibly spread that somewhere else. 

In this week's episode, Shameca Tankerson talks about what real leadership looks like. It’s time to trample on that fear and raise your faith to a higher level!

Part One of ‘Faith or Fear? What Real Leadership Looks Like’

When you start to use your voice, you crown yourself a leader. When you get on social media, post a topic and people respond or watch, you're in a leadership role, whether you see yourself as a leader or not.

Sadly, some people are finger-pointing, claiming that if you don't stay at home, then that makes you a horrible person. The truth about leadership is that you get to decide what leadership looks like for you. You don't have to echo or be an echo of someone else's leadership. There should be no condemnation for anyone. How can you look at someone and say, "My way is the only way?"

“Your fears have been lurking under the surface all along, and COVID-19 just magnified it for you.” — Shameca Tankerson 

Many businesses are shutting down to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and in return, losing millions of dollars of revenues every day. All of the fear, chaos, uncertainty, all of the emotions you felt when this whole thing hit, were lurking under the surface all along. COVID-19 just magnified it for you.

This global crisis exposed our weaknesses in terms of leadership, but at the end of the day, you get to decide how you respond to that exposure. Go for it. No one gets to tell you what your response should look like.

This is not the situation you want to be. But you get to be of service right now for other people. People are looking for things to do. Since you're in a tough spot, you want to tighten up smartly so you can do that. If you have expenses that are coming in the future, handle them now.

Everybody is in crisis mode. There are things that you can buy that are cheaper than they would normally be. If you're a business who has an overflow of money and can afford to lower prices, do it.


By all means, do the right thing. But it's a business decision first and foremost. More than it is an economic decision. That’s whether or not somebody can afford your services. 

Act in love, not fear. Be in deep gratitude and focus on what you currently have. Seize opportunities to create more and serve people right. Be a beacon of sanity amid chaos. Be resourceful. Be a resource. Be helpful. Let's lead in the way that we can. So, donate what you want to.

Part Two of ‘Faith or Fear? What Real Leadership Looks Like’

Perfect love cast out all fear. You want to wrap your arms around your existing clients and what you already have around you. For those of you who don't have clients, be in gratitude for your family and the things that you do have. Protect your relationships with your clients, your vendors, with the people that you're in community with.

Check-in on folks. Hoarding tissue paper is not being in love. It's not checking it. It's actually creating the problem that we're trying to avoid. That's a fear-based mentality. When you're moving in love, you make sound decisions and see more opportunities.

“Protect your relationships with your clients, your vendors, with the people that you're in community with.” —  Shameca Tankerson 

If you're a business owner and you have current clients right now, love on them and deliver exceptional results. This will return a hundredfold. Ask yourself what needs to shift in your approach.

How can you be of service to people? Some of you with businesses don't know if you should be selling right now. People are making you feel shameful about doing so. 

Check-in with yourself. What does your leadership need to look like? It's time to rise. This is your opportunity to lead. Let's make a difference in the lives of people we can.

How To Connect

Shameca Tankerson is an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and bestselling author. She is a badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence, and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt.

She's called to challenge you to your greatness, stretch you, test your limits, and set fire to your fears. Her clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, who hold something so powerful, so wickedly incredible within… they are on the cusp of greatness - yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. 

Together we call on your courage, bust through fear, and awaken your inner powerhouse so you can stop apologizing, shrinking, hinting, whispering, asking for permission, giving in, and pretending to be satisfied with the status quo.

It’s your time. Listen Love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow too. Discover how clients see your Level of Authority and any blocks sabotaging your sales.