Some people are loud about their success but remain quiet about the behind-the-scenes that led them to where they are today. We all want transparency, so that's what I'm giving my audience. Here's a belief series that will ignite your fire to make 2020 your best year ever. In this week's episode, we're going to talk about how my client, Kristin Arilus, made $55,350 in 21 days.

Part One of ‘Believe Series - How My Client Kristin Arilus Made $55,350 in 21 Days’


Kristin is the founder of Monetized Mama, where she helps mom entrepreneurs simplify and automate their service-based business. She can help you peer into the future of what your business could be if it could run itself, then strategically sort through the clutter and find the best system to get there. 

Many people know what they need but struggle with the details of how to put it all together. Kristin is your systems guru to help you save time and monetize yourself quicker than you ever imagined. She takes action, gets you results, learns from it, then uses that information to take the next step. She does the heavy lifting for you.

“Don't make the mistake of UNDERCHARGING for your services. You must charge according to your worth.” — Shameca Tankerson 

There's a well-known quote that says, "Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to drawback. Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too."

Most people don't ever accomplish their dreams because they lack commitment. This includes making the mistake of grossly undercharging for their services, even if they're aware of the value they bring to the table. Remember, you can't give somebody your best if you're still trying to figure out how you can pay your bills. Imagine the freedom you can have by entirely focusing on how you can serve them. 

Part Two of ‘Believe Series - How My Client Kristin Arilus Made $55,350 in 21 Days’

Kristin's story is a huge inspiration because she's now earning more money with fewer work hours compared to last year. This isn't just about the revenue; it's about living the kind of life you've always dreamed of. We can learn from her story that if you're not getting the guidance you need to elevate your growth rapidly, you need to take a step back and reflect on which direction you should be heading. What kind of support do you need so you can take your business to the next level?

“Make a wise investment decision on things that will elevate your growth.” —  Shameca Tankerson 

Sometimes, you think you need to learn things like how to post on social media or how to do a webinar, but you can google most of those things. Deep inside your heart, you're looking for something else. You're looking for specific guidance on how people can produce revenue in a short amount of time. Remember, your reality is what you make it. 

You don't need to figure out everything before you take that step. You can always take things one step at a time. Be open to taking calculated risks. Expand your capacity to receive, set your goals, and create your new normal when it comes to producing profits for your business!

How to Connect More with Kristin Arilus





How to Get Involved

Shameca Tankerson is an award-winning business coach, national speaker, and bestselling author. She is a badass at helping women own their worth, claim their confidence, and become high performing power players who get paid – without the guilt. She's called to challenge you to your greatness, stretch you, test your limits, and set fire to your fears. Her clients are high achievers, dreamers, visionaries, who hold something so powerful, so wickedly incredible within… they are on the cusp of greatness - yet the scars of their past have them second-guessing themselves. 

Together we call on your courage, bust through fear, and awaken your inner powerhouse so you can stop apologizing, shrinking, hinting, whispering, asking for permission, giving in, and pretending to be satisfied with the status quo. It’s your time. Listen Love, when you stop playing small and show up fully, your business and income will naturally grow too. Discover how clients see your Level of Authority and any blocks sabotaging your sales.

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