Love One Another Genuinely (verses 9-10a)

We are called to love without hypocrisy We are called to love with affection


Honor One Another Faithfully (verse 10b)

We are called to outdo one another in showing honor


Serve One Another Generously (verses 11-13)

We are called to serve passionately with joy and patience We are called to serve in prayer We are called to serve in giving to others’ needs We are called to serve with hospitality


Understand One Another Appropriately (verses 14-15)

We are called to bless those who persecute us We are called to empathize with one another in joy and sorrow


Dwell with One Another Peaceably and Humbly (verses 16-18)

We are called to live in harmony with one another We are called to live in humility with one another