“Ecclesiastes: Living in Light of the End” (Book Overview)


 The Author of Ecclesiastes

The human author is announced in 1:1 as the “Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.” This is most likely referring to Solomon, who also wrote the Book of Proverbs and the Song of Solomon. When Solomon became king, he asked God for wisdom instead of wealth and honor, which God granted to him in abundance. (1 Kings 3:5-15). However, Solomon went astray from God’s wisdom to following His own heart. Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes in his old age as he seeks to make sense of his life.


The Arrangement of Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes is bookended with these phrases: “All is vanity” and “Fear God and keep His commandments.” The word vanity is a key word in the book that refers to life being a “breath” or “vapor.” Ecclesiastes is arranged for the reader to see what life looks like when it is lived backwards.


The Aim of Ecclesiastes

The purpose of Ecclesiastes is to help us to live our lives backwards – in light of the end. This book helps us to loosen our grip on the temporal and live for the eternal.