Previous Episode: Thansgiving 2020

For most of us, 2020 has felt hopeless. From a global pandemic and a struggling economy, to the isolation of quarantine and figuring out online school. We've walked through civil unrest, racial injustice, wildfires, hurricanes, and a chaotic election season that makes it easy to become hopeless. But every person needs hope. We need hope to wake up in the morning, hope to go to work, hope to keep going. Most of never stop to ask the question? What is my hope in? Do we hope in ourselves, in others, in vaccines, economic recoveries, elections? As Christians, our hope doesn’t rest in the changing of the calendar from 2020 to 2021, our hope is found in a person, and his name is Jesus. So how can we celebrate a COVID Christmas, because Jesus is the embodiment of hope. Christmas isn’t silly escapism but a real, historical redemption Christmas isn’t just old tradition but a living, objective, glorious truth Christmas isn’t a simple distraction, it's a celebration of the central truth of history! Open Your Bibles to Isaiah 9:1-7 as we learn what it means that Jesus is our hope. Big Idea: Christmas is Worth Celebrating because Jesus is Hope personified. 1.The Hope of Illumination (9:1-2) Light coming into the World! 2.The Hope of Increase (9:3-5) God’s people will multiply all over the world! 3.The Hope of Incarnation (9:6-7) A Child will be born who will be almighty God!