Announcements from Sunday, October 30th, 2022 Happy Reformation Day - STREAM THE LUTHER DOCUMENTARY FOR FREE October 31 marks 505 years since Martin Luther effectively—and unintentionally—sparked the Protestant Reformation with his Ninety-Five Theses. Discover Luther’s story by watching the award-winning documentary Luther: The Life and Legacy of the German Reformer. It’s available to stream for free on Ligonier Ministries’ YouTube channel. You can also download the accompanying study guide for free. Here is the great kids video on the life of Martin Luther we showed on Sunday. Bible Reading Plan This Week - Join us on #bible_reading_plan to discuss our daily Bible reading. This week we are reading Deuteronomy 17-34 and Psalm 45-49. The PDF is attached and can be printed out and put in your Bible as a daily reminder. Feel free to leave any thoughts, questions or insights in the #bible_reading_plan channel here on Slack. RVC Women's Bible Study Kickoff - A Reminder to the ladies that RVC's Women's Ministry is hosting a Women's Bible Study on this Wednesday, October 26 from 6:45pm-8:45pm. For more details please follow up with @Shelly Lischke. All the ladies are invited! Hope Place Graduation - We have another opportunity to help UGM's Hope Place! Their quarterly graduation program is scheduled for Wednesday evening, Nov 9, and they could use some help with child care during the service. The timing is 6:00-8:00. If you can help you need to RSVP to the new Associate Director Julie Jenkins at [email protected] with your name and email address, and she'll need your RSVP no later than Nov 1 so that she has time to make sure that you either already are (or now get) registered in their system for background check. This has been a relatively simple but very much appreciated way that we can serve families who are guests at Hope Place. If you have more questions please contact Chris and Cheri Volk.  When God Doesn't - The Book of Habakkuk
Week #1 "When Life Doesn't Make Sense"
Text: Habakkuk 1:1–11
Topics: Questions, Wrestling, Objections, Frustration
Big Idea of the Message: God is big enough for our questions and our objections; he invites us to bring them to him in dialogue and to trust him with them.
Application Point: When we are real and honest with God and tell him what’s on our hearts, he will lead us on a path that matures and deepens our faith.

Discussion Questions: What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message? Have you ever had a season when you questioned whether God saw or cared about what was going on in your life? Tell us about it. Why do you think we sometimes struggle to admit that we’re frustrated with God? Can you think of other people in the Bible who struggled with what God was doing? How did they handle it? What was the outcome? When something difficult happens, or when people feel like God isn’t listening, they typically do one of two things: run from God in anger or run toward God in vulnerability. Why is it important to stay in dialogue with God through difficult seasons? How can we pray for you?