“The 4 Seasons of Parenting"
(Deuteronomy 6:4-9, Ephesians 6:1-4 and Various Proverbs)
Family Life Sermon Series - Sunday, June 4th
Rainier Valley Church - Seattle, Washington

Discussion Questions Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9. How can we make sure that our children learn to love God? What are some ways that we can teach our children about God's love by proactively giving them formative teaching or reactive corrective discipline? How can we make our homes a place where God is honored and where His love is evident? What are some different ways that we can we train and teach the next generation intentionally and spontaneously? Read Ephesians 6:4. What does it mean for fathers to not provoke their children to anger? What does it mean for fathers to bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord? What are some specific ways that fathers can do this? What are some challenges that fathers face in raising their children? How can fathers overcome these challenges? What are some benefits of fathers raising their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord? Pastor Kyle interviewed his Mom about the Four Seasons of Parenting in the book of Proverbs - Discipline Years (1-5), Training Years (5-12), Coaching Years (12-18), and the Friendship Years (18+). What are some applications points from this discussion that you would like to apply to your own life and family? If you are single, how has this discussion on parenting helped you to understand your parents and prepared you to become a parent in the future, if the Lord gives you that blessing? How can we pray for one another this week? How can we serve one another this week? What practical needs are there in our group this week? How can we hold one another accountable to mature spiritually this week? Let's take some time to pray for each other and ask for the Lord's help, power, wisdom, and guidance.