“Happy Monday after Easter/Resurrection Sunday"
We had an incredible Easter Sunday celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus with record-breaking attendance and amazingly powerful testimonies of God's radically transformative grace.
I want to thank all the volunteers for helping to set-up the Kids Easter Egg Hunt (@Shelly Lischke@Sarah Johnson@Violet Lischke@Crystal Van Tine) set-up and tear down the baptismal (@Ben Johnson@Ken Sabalza @Erik G), and lead us in joyful praise and worship (@Ken Sabalza@Helen Oh@Jason Lischke@Steve Pratt,@Riddick Lischke)
I hope you all are able to get some rest this evening after pouring yourselves out for the glory of God and the good of others yesterday. Your work in the local church matters!
I’m praying you are deeply aware of the Spirit’s presence this week as you step into the next season post-Easter. May you find God’s favor in all you do to build his Kingdom this week!

Child Dedications on Easter Sunday
Congratulations to @Stormy Curtis on dedicating Grace and @Devin Simone Salinas on dedicating Rainstorm, River-Wynd and Storie this Easter Sunday. May these little ones come to know, love and follow Jesus all the days of their lives and may we, as a church family, care for and support these little ones and their parents.

Baptisms on Easter Sunday
Congratulations to Jeanelle Buntting, Faduma Abdi, @Helen Oh, and Adora Harris for getting baptized this Easter Sunday. May the Lord continue to bless and direct you as you walk with Jesus throughout this life. We thank God for each of you and rejoice in God's grace and love towards each of you. We love you all!

Discussion Questions from Sunday's Message THERE IS HOPE FOR YOUR CONFUSION - “God has raised this Jesus to life, to which we are all witnesses.” (Acts 2:32) - The people in the city of Seattle have lots of different views on who/what God is but how does the resurrection of Jesus bring hope in the midst of spiritual confusion? How is Jesus the way, the truth and the life? THERE IS HOPE IN YOUR SUFFERING -“...We know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28) - How does the resurrection of Jesus show God's ability to work all things together for our good? How can the resurrection of Jesus impact our perspective on our current sufferings and hardships? THERE’S HOPE IN YOUR CHALLENGES - "We therefore were buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead...we too may walk in newness of life." (Romans 6:4) - How does the power of Jesus' resurrection give us hope in the midst of our challenges right now? How have you experienced resurrection power in your own life by the Holy Spirit of God? What big takeaways did you have from Rainier Valley Church's Easter Celebration with child dedications, testimonies, baptisms, etc? Video from the Resurrection Sunday 2023 worship service

Pictures from the Easter Sunday Baptisms will be COMING SOON! Follow Rainier Valley Church on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.