"Formation in Kingdom Riches"
Matthew 6:5-24
Sermon on the Mount: A Kingdom Upside Down
Sunday, August 27th

Kingdom Riches Outline from Dan Nordblad
· Introduction: Who I am, what I do, my connection w/Pastor Kyle
· Sermon on the Mount nuances, ethics, takeaways as it pertains to spiritual formation/character development. (Ro. 5.3-5, Ro. 5.29)
· Sermon on the Mount as it is predicated off the first beatitude (Mt. 5.3)
· The imputation of kingdom righteousness both legal and incarnational.
· Matthew 6.5-8 – contrast two types of prayer (hypocrisy/sincerity)
· Matthew 6.9-13 – The Lord’s Prayer – Who we address in prayer and why, contrast our will w/His will. The value of being dependent on God – an extract from Exodus narrative. Sin in the context of debt. Praying according to God’s will, our desire to not succumb to sin.
· Matthew 6.14-15 – An addendum w/emphasis on forgiveness in context with our Christianity. Luke 7.47
· Fasting – our approach to spiritual disciplines, why we fast (Scriptural background to fasting), our personal/private relationship w/God and how that impacts others. (1 Tim. 5.24-25, Heb. 4.13)
· Matthew 6.15-21 – Fools gold versus Kingdom Riches
· The fallibility of materialism versus Kingdom wealth
· Our heart as it resembles our treasure (Pro. 27.19, Ps. 119.162, Col. 3.20)
· Treasures in heaven: Christ, Holy Spirit, Faith, The Word, wisdom
· Matthew 6.22-24 – outlook in life determines outcome in life
· Describe scriptural imagery e.g. eye, body, lamp etc.
· Describe eyes of faith (Psalm 119.130, Ps. 19)
· Describe eyes of unbelief
· New Testament prohibition against idolatry (1 Tim. 6.9-11)
· Christ’s teaching on the value of eternal destination.
· Exhortation: As He becomes your treasure, you become His! (1 Pe. 2.9, Ex. 19.5)Discussion Questions for Community Groups:
1. Is it okay to be a “rich/wealthy” Christian? Why/why not?
2. What are some ways that we can cultivate and develop spiritual disciplines e.g. prayer, fasting, scripture reading?
3. Is the Sermon on the Mount a prescription or description? Why?
4. What are the virtues of a public prayer life if any?
5. Which kingdom ethic do you struggle with the most and why? (unforgiveness, materialism, fasting, etc.)