Warning for listeners: this podcast contains descriptions of anti-Semitism, transphobia and the Holocaust.
Fierce advocate Shoshana Pellman joins Queer Devotions to discuss her experiences with being a Jewish trans woman, and her process of becoming the advocate she is today. A member of the Senior Pride Network, she works on issues facing queer seniors, in particular in healthcare facilities and Jewish institutions. 
Read more about Shoshana here and listen to her on Out in the Open: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/outintheopen/ageing-1.4313239/living-in-fear-of-dementia-as-a-transgender-woman-1.4313528
Learn more about the book, Textual Activism, Shoshana mentions on the podcast: https://www.tikkun.org/book-review-textual-activism-by-rabbi-mike-moskowitz