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Rain in the Desert

230 episodes - English - Latest episode: 9 months ago - ★★★★★ - 14 ratings

Homilies from Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Cathedral

Christianity Religion & Spirituality homilies sermons christian greek orthodox phoenix scripture bible preaching
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Joy and the Crucified Life

September 11, 2023 21:07

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the theme of the Sunday before the Exaltation of the Cross with a challenge to consider that we have been viewing the Cross incorrectly; e.g. as an impediment to our happiness and not as the cause of joy in the life of the redeemed.

Freedom and not Independence

July 03, 2023 17:24

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks on the difference between Independence and Freedom with a brief history lesson about Independence Day.

The Apostolic Characteristic of the Church

June 30, 2023 17:13

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the evangelical imperative of the Apostolicity of the Church.

The Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness

May 22, 2023 15:27

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Sunday of the Blind Man about the Causes and Cures of Spiritual Blindness.

The Meaning of Grace

May 15, 2023 15:26

Fr. Apostolos speaks about the meaning and application of the Greek word for "Grace" and its connection with "joy" and "gratitude."

Who is the Christ?

April 10, 2023 13:41

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a Palm Sunday homily about the Triumphal Entry and the many questions provoked by Jesus' life and ministry throughout the Gospels. We can come to a deeper and greater experiential and relational understanding of Jesus in the services of the week.

The Cross as Viewed from the East

March 20, 2023 18:41

Fr. Apostolos Hill deconstructed the soteriological heresy of the Penal Substitutionary Atonement of Anselm of Canterbury and an explanation of how the Orthodox Church understands and applies the Cross of Christ and its efficacy for our salvation.

The Soul of Orthodoxy

March 06, 2023 20:35

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the Sunday of Orthodoxy and provides an examination of what our faith is and is not.

Every Day a New Day

January 16, 2023 19:22

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily that is focused on the Epistle reading from Colossians. The newness of the year should remind us that we serve a loving and merciful God, whose mercies are new every day.

Eucharistic Stewardship

December 12, 2022 22:59

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about stewardship as a Eucharistic offering of our entire life to God. He recalls Fr. Hopko's discussions about our earthly labors being represented in the offering of the bread and wine, hence, the sacralization of our workaday lives.

The Lethality of Sin and Its Cure

November 14, 2022 15:55

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the image of the man beset by robbers on the road down to Jericho. This is about the lethal reality of sin as the Prophet Ezekiel stated "the soul that sinneth, it shall die," and the totally effective cure available in the blood of the Christ.

When We Disagree with Holy Scripture

October 31, 2022 18:11

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches on what to do when we come upon disagreeable passages in Holy Scripture, such as Abraham's statement to the Rich Man that he has already received his "good things" in his life and can expect nothing more.

Is the Gospel Obsolete?

October 17, 2022 18:29

Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the Parable of the Sower and the Seed of the Gospel which is but scarcely proclaimed, having been supplanted by an array of false ones.

Church and Buildings

October 10, 2022 16:28

During the annual parish festival, Fr. Apostolos Hill addresses the difference between the Church building which patrons toured, and the Church which--or rather, who--were serving them on the festival grounds.

Why John 3:16 Matters

September 12, 2022 14:42

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a straightforward line-by-line examination of the Gospel message in John 3:16.

The Economics of Salvation

August 31, 2022 18:00

Fr. Apostolos Hill homily about the parable of the unforgiving servant.

Testing our faith in the storms of life

August 31, 2022 17:43

Fr. Apostolos Hill challenges us with reflections on the Gospel reading of St. Peter's impetuous faith on the Sea of Galilee.

Feast of the Transfiguration

August 09, 2022 13:56

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the importance of being transfigured in Jesus Christ.

Apostles' Fast Explained

June 21, 2022 14:41

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about the Apostles' Fast and the command to share the Gospel.

Apostles’ Fast Explained

June 20, 2022 15:30 - 27.7 MB

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily about the Apostles' Fast and the command to share the Gospel.

Tribute to Fathers

June 10, 2022 15:00

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a tribute to fathers after having buried his father the week before.

“Give Us Water to Drink”

May 24, 2022 14:13

Fr. Apostolos Hill preaches about the Living Water that only Christ can give to quench the thirst in the deepest part of humanity.

The Ocean of God's Love

April 11, 2022 19:29

On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares on the Prophet Micah's closing comment on God throwing our sins into the depths of the ocean. As St. Mary's life indicates, we cannot out-sin the measureless mercy of God's love.

The Ocean of God’s Love

April 11, 2022 19:17 - 18 minutes - 24.9 MB

On the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares on the Prophet Micah's closing comment on God throwing our sins into the depths of the ocean. As St. Mary's life indicates, we cannot out-sin the measureless mercy of God's love.

Why We Preserve the Faith

March 14, 2022 18:51

"I'm no longer content for our faith to be stuck in a mason jar. Our faith is food, and hungry, starving people need to eat what we uniquely can give them."

Divine Judgement

February 28, 2022 17:22

Fr. Apostolos speaks about Divine Judgement and the pardon offered to all through the blood of Christ.

The City on the Hill

February 04, 2022 16:45

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the Gospel reading for the Three Holy Hierarchs, Matthew 5:14-19.

Sacrifices of Thanksgiving

January 19, 2022 19:06

The Parable of the Ten Lepers provided an opportunity to examine Levitical laws pertaining to leprosy and to the offering of sacrifices of thanksgiving in the Temple. Fr. Apostolos Hill underscore thes essentiality of the Holy Eucharist as the means whereby we as Orthodox Christians can offer our own sacrifices of Thanksgiving to God.

Family Ties

December 22, 2021 23:00

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily based upon the Gospel reading of the Genealogy of Christ and the adoption of humanity into the family of God.

Whole Life Stewardship

November 22, 2021 15:10

Fr. Apostolos Hill examines the feast of the Presentation and its application to the theme of collaborating synergetically with God as did the Virgin and her parents in the events of the feast.

Healing for the Whole Person

November 08, 2021 15:14

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on this Sunday's Gospel reading, an examination from Holy Scripture of the nature of true healing.

Of Pigs and Demons

October 27, 2021 13:51

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a scriptural survey of the demonic horde and what our response to their influence ought to be in this season.

Why Marriage?

October 11, 2021 19:59

Fr. Apostolos Hill took the opportunity of his and Presvytera Denise's 38th wedding anniversary to offer a homily about marriage in the Orthodox view.

Somebody That I Used to Know

September 23, 2021 20:10

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily on the Gospel reading, an examination of the difference between following or pursuing Jesus and being casually associated with Him.

More Than a Talisman

September 17, 2021 19:42

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a brief historical review of the excavation of Golgotha and the history of the Precious Cross of Christ, then an examination of the challenge of understanding the Cross in our own time.

Increments and Intervals of Time

September 03, 2021 21:59

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily from the service for the Indiction regarding the Orthodox view of of time and how it is consecrated through the prayer of the Church.

Origen is Still a Heretic

July 29, 2021 19:27

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily from the commemoration of the 5th Ecumenical Council which condemned the many heresies of Origen of Alexandria and of Universalism in particular.

Escape from Fear and Anxiety

July 12, 2021 22:14

Fr. Apostolos Hill provides a straightforward expository of the peace that Jesus provides.

Saints in Three Dimensions

June 29, 2021 02:49

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers an offering on All Saints Sunday, a reflection on the gritty reality of the saints in all three dimensions of life and not the two-dimensional caricatures to which we often reduce them.

Four Aspects of Spiritual Blindness

June 14, 2021 18:19

Using some recent surgeries in his eye, Fr. Apostolos Hill explains the importance of staying vigilant to the blindness of our soul.

The Defeat of Arius and Preservation of Truth

June 14, 2021 17:58

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily about the 1st Ecumenical Council and how only the God-man Jesus Christ is the Bridge that unites Heaven and Earth.

Christ, the Bridegroom of the Church

April 26, 2021 16:48

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily detailing the bridal imagery running through the Divine Liturgy and the Bridegroom Matins services of the week.

Moonwalking Our Faith

April 15, 2021 15:51

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives a "book report" on the Ladder of Divine Ascent of St. John Climacus and the expectation of progress in our Life in Christ.

Celebrating True Freedom

March 30, 2021 18:37

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily at the 200 year anniversary of Greek Independence about the true freedom wrought for us in Christ.

An Example of Urgent Prayer

February 16, 2021 16:04

Fr. Apostolos Hill speaks about the Canaanite woman as an example of urgent prayer.

Zaccheus: Exemplar of Salvation

February 02, 2021 15:29

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on Zaccheus' response to Jesus proclamation of salvation, the giving away of his earthly wealth and the restoration of those he had swindled.

Blindness of Ingratitude

November 24, 2020 04:07

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a homily on the blindness of ingratitude, while wearing a blindfold for effect. This is the perfect reminder for those listening to be grateful for that which is given to them.

Touching Jesus

November 12, 2020 23:15

Fr. Apostolos Hill delivers a simple homily from the Gospel about touching Jesus during a period of necessary distancing.

Of the Kingdom and kingdoms

October 27, 2020 00:32

Fr. Apostolos Hill offers a Lord of the Rings based depiction of the centrality of the Kingdom of Heaven as the context for our lives in Christ, and a clean break from the various "kingdoms" which vie for our loyalties here below.

The Holy Priesthood

October 23, 2020 18:57

Fr. Apostolos Hill gives an exposition on the nature of the Holy Priesthood in the Church.