Previous Episode: Lifted Jealousy
Next Episode: Sirloin Sovereign

     This week a four pack of sci-fi with less than futuristic surroundings. 

     Scientist Sterling Peirce dreamed of a future where mankind no longer feared death, lived in harmony with all existence, and dedicated his life to the miracle elixir he created. Tragically, he died before his vision of a a peaceful future could come to pass. Years later, his son, Jaxxon Peirce, controls and manufactures a version of the elixir he calls Divinity.
     A small group of people exiled to an island called The Burn depend on Ti-Jeanne. Meanwhile, she struggles against the destiny of her birth, fights for the love of the only available man, and fights against the repressive controlling grasp of Crack. A prequel to Nalo Hopkinson's debut novel, Brown Girl Begins. (Fun fact I forgot to mention in episode- Director Sharon Lewis played rapper Drake's mother on Degrassi TNG.)     Neuroscientists being testing of a remarkable breakthrough- connecting two brains directly. Lukas, researcher and generally bored of everything scumbag, is selected to be the first psychonaut- being injected into the head of an anonymous woman in a coma. Immediately, Lukas being making nonsensical stupid decisions and obsessing. Why does no one notice his extreme reactions and wild violent mood swings? They all too busy seeing the Vanishing Waves.     In the not-too-distant-future eugenics is the new way of life and everyone is sorted into valid and in-valid categories. Despite discrimination against the unmodified being technically illegal, it overnight became the only standard of worth for all mankind. Natural born Vincent Freeman is predicted to have the most ridiculous number of issues before an early death but he refuses to accept this. Finding a willing co-conspirator, Vincent sets out to follow his dream at Gattaca.
     All that and Dave sees dead people, Tyler discovers a new fetish, and Kevin screams out from the void. Join us, won't you?
   Episode 367- Lo-Fi Sci-Fi