The views expressed on air during Call Me When It’s Over do not represent the views of the RAGE Works/My Take Radio staff, partners or affiliates. Listener discretion is advised. Show Notes  “Ain’t No Future in Your Fronting” Halfway down the road to 100 episodes, Josiesboy is back this week with episode 56 of Call Me When It’s Over. On this week’s show, "Ain't No Future in Your Fronting", your girl's favorite artist has a lot on his mind. Oh yeah, for some reason Bow Wow was mentioned too. Highlights Josiesboy is ready to leave New York. Fake it until you make it, everyone else does it. Is the word classic overused in this era?   Follow the host of Call Me When It’s Over on Instagram. @Josiesboy Follow Josies Boy on Snapchat Josies_Boy Buy Josies Boy art Check out Call Me When It’s Over’s Sponsor Plastic Hxllywxxd                  Listener Info Please take a moment and rate the show and/or app on iTunes. Become a fan of RAGE Works on