In N Out is finally acquired, and a special celebrity is found with Casey Montgomery! However, the corporate net is closing in. Welcome to Raft City Radio


Craig Blackwood - @vkmSpouge

Cato Prowse - @catoakacato

Laurent Tirta - @pablackhawk_

KC Colman - @DJPheonyx

Mitch Campbell - @kungfupanzer


Laurent Tirta

Links and Show Notes:

We have a Patreon!

We also have a Kofi!

Markeia McCarty, Twitter: @markeiamccarty, Instagram: markeiamccarty
In N Out
Five Guys
Equilibrium, (2002)
M. F. Harris, Heroes Reborn, (2015-2016)
Tempting Fate on Saving Throw Show
Plunders and Blunders

Twitter Mentions