It’s Oya’s time to shine as we learn more about parallel dimensions, as well as the nature of Fletcher Krause! Welcome to Raft City Radio


Az Hann - @captain_tiny

Craig Blackwood - @vkmSpouge

Cato Prowse - @catoakacato

Laurent Tirta - @pablackhawk_

KC Colman - @DJPheonyx

Mitch Campbell - @kungfupanzer


Laurent Tirta

Patreon Associate Producers:

Patch Perryman - @Patch_Adam


Links and Show Notes:

We have a Patreon!

Tuvix) - Star Trek: Voyager S02E24
Caf-Pow - favorite drink of Abby on NCIS (2003- )
Flower Biting Blood Carrots
Chief O’Brien at Work
Kaitlin Spiderman meme
Speed-o’-Sound Sonic - One Punch Man
MST3K (1988- )
The (Very) Big Bird Job - S05E01 of Leverage (2008-2012)
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (2016- )
Mae Jemison - First black woman in space
Silver Surfer and Galactus

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