It’s been a few months since the show has ended, and we’ve gotten some time to reflect on the series as a whole. Come join us for one last look at Callisto Six, and stay tuned to this frequency...


Az Hann - @captain_tiny

Craig Blackwood - @vkmSpouge

Cato Prowse - @catoakacato

Laurent Tirta - @pablackhawk_

KC Colman - @DJPheonyx

Mitch Campbell - @kungfupanzer


Laurent Tirta

Links and Show Notes:

We have a Patreon!

We also have a Kofi!

Know Your Meme: Rooftop Koreans

Wikipedia: Koschei the Deathless

Stone Houses 5 - Koschei the Deathless

Myths and Legends 5B-Slavic Folklore: The First Horcrux

Episode 21: Grow Numb - Aux Crew TBD RPG

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