Previous Episode: Issue #12

On this episode we talk with our GM Eric Campbell about his stories in Callisto 6 and Shield of Tomorrow!


Az Hann - @captain_tiny

Craig Blackwood - @vkmSpouge

Cato Prowse - @catoakacato

Laurent Tirta - @pablackhawk_

KC Colman - @DJPheonyx

Mitch Campbell - @kungfupanzer

Special Guest:

Eric Campbell - @16BitEric


Laurent Tirta

Patreon Associate Producers:

Patch Perryman - @Patch_Adam

Links and Show Notes:

We have a Patreon!

The Flog
Felicia’s Ark
Signal Boost
Ultima Online
City of Heroes
Mutant: Mechatron - Fria Ligen
The Chronicles of Darkness - Onyx Path Publishing
Changeling the Dreaming and Changeling the Lost - Onyx Path Publishing
Dragon Age RPG - Green Ronin Publishing
Polaris RPG - Philippe Tessier
Legend of the Five Rings - Fantasy Flight Games
Battletech - The Topps Company
Hobbes from the Wing Commander video games

Eric’s Boosts:

Uncommon Trust - D&D in a Castle
Forbidden Lands - The Kickstarter is now closed, but this page still has the most information about the system
Saving Throw RPG

Twitter Mentions