Stage 6 | Malé > Valle del Chiese/Roncone

Distance68,62 km

Altitude meters2.502 hm


A stage full of natural jewels in the shadow of the mighty Brenta. It goes over one of the classic Transalp passes, the Passo Bregn da lOrs, a magical place. But this stage is also spiced up by wild descents through mystical forests.

The Brenta! Its highest peak Cima Tosa stretches 3173 metres up into the sky. This is a real block that still stands between the bikers and Lake Garda on the second last day. Steep walls fall down from lofty heights and the most beautiful places for ...

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Stage 6 | Malé > Valle del Chiese/Roncone

68,62 km

Altitude meters
2.502 hm


A stage full of natural jewels in the shadow of the mighty Brenta. It goes over one of the classic Transalp passes, the Passo Bregn da l’Ors, a magical place. But this stage is also spiced up by wild descents through mystical forests.

The Brenta! Its highest peak – Cima Tosa – stretches 3173 metres up into the sky. This is a real block that still stands between the bikers and Lake Garda on the second last day. Steep walls fall down from lofty heights and the most beautiful places for this impressive natural spectacle are Lago di Molveno on one side and the enchanting Malga Brenta Bassa, the small Lago di Val d’Agola and the path over the Passo Bregn da l’Ors to Malga Movlina on the other. This mountain pasture is perhaps the most beautiful place on the Transalp, with the walls of the Brenta within reach on the left and the glaciated peaks of the Adamello group stretching even higher into the sky above the Val Rendena on the right. This pass is a Transalp classic that has always been conquered by many Alpine crossers. And this wonderful place also has a firm place in the history of the BIKE Transalp – branded on the memorial plate with thunderstorms and sunshine.

From Malga Movlina, the forest track now descends southwards into Val d’Algone. Soon, however, the route cheats its way out of this valley and reaches the wooded slopes of Val Rendena on the right, high above Pinzolo and Tione and the main roads leading out towards the Chiese Valley and Lake Garda. To reach the bottom of the valley near Tione, however, you have to tackle a rapid descent. Initially along earthy forest paths, the finale is an enchanted forest path that only spits you out 500 metres further down in the valley. At Tione di Trento, you cross the Sarca, the river that feeds Lake Garda in Torbole. Small side roads in the forest now lead up to the saddle that separates the Val Rendena from the Chiese Valley. And gives its name to the municipality of „Sella Giudicarie“, an association of several villages. In one of these villages, Roncone, the finish line is by the small lake. A trail leads down to it once again at the end.

Malé has had to wait a long time until the participants of the BIKE Transalp are once again allowed to ride through the finish arch at the church square. Unfortunately, this stage had to be cancelled last year due to thunderstorms in Bormio. So the last finish in Malè in 2010 was a long time ago. That’s why a few more minutes won’t matter, because the queen stage will take a little longer than the others. Now it’s just a case of keeping your fingers crossed that the 2024 edition works out. Despite all the effort, it offers a mountain experience in a class of its own.

BIKE Transalp Stage 6: Malé - Valle del Chiese/Roncone | DKEVENTS

5.03.24 | Downloads: 96

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