The Big Topic: Spoiling Resident Evil 7, Final Fantasy 15, and The Last Guardian Further Discussion: E3 is officially open to the public What we’re into: Horizon: Zero Dawn’s big, beautiful open world To the victor go the spoils. Er, spoilers. This joke made more sense in my head. ANYWAY. 2017’s video game onslaught continues […]

The Big Topic: Spoiling Resident Evil 7, Final Fantasy 15, and The Last Guardian

Further Discussion: E3 is officially open to the public

What we’re into: Horizon: Zero Dawn’s big, beautiful open world

To the victor go the spoils. Er, spoilers. This joke made more sense in my head. ANYWAY. 2017’s video game onslaught continues apace, as David dives right into Horizon: Zero Dawn’s sprawling ‘post-post-apocalyptic’ world and talks about its magnificent, um, horizons. We also talk about E3’s recent, seemingly inevitable decision to allow the general to attend the world’s biggest video game conference, and what that means for the industry. And by popular request, we talk spoilers in the first of (hopefully) many spoilercasts, chatting about what makes the final hours of Resident Evil 7, Final Fantasy 15, and The Last Guardian so great.


Anthony John Agnello (@ajohnagnello)

David Roberts (@davidrobots)

Susan Arendt (@susanarendt)

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