Welcome to the third episode of Radio Omnicor – our podcast about the science of business!

At Omnicor, we’re driven to understand as much as possible in the current organisational and people development space. Each episode will feature fascinating guests who will share tools and the latest thinking to help grow your own career or improve your team or business.

Today, Colleen McLintock has the pleasure of interviewing Marc Kahn, author of “Coaching on the Axis” and Global HR Director for Investec. Marc is the kind of coach that if the Emperor – from the famous Hans Christian Anderson Fairytale – had been his client, let’s just say those deceptive weavers would have been brought into the coaching session to take accountability for the tomfoolery; and with skilful questioning, the Emperor’s authentic self would be activated.

That would be a story with a very different ending! Curious? Well have a listen…


Hosts: Colleen McLintock – Head of People Development (LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/colleenmclintock)
Length: 1:08:55
Format: Mp3


Introduction with Colleen: 00:00 –  00:45
Interview with Marc Kahn: 00:45 – 1:08:55


Coaching on the Axis: Marc Kahn at Sydney University, 13 August 2014 – View on YouTube

Marc Kahn: LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/marckahn)

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