Once again we thrived to bring you a range of quality alternative artist active in this hard period.

We started the show with the zagreb based producer and artist Mark Mrakovčić. He started performing with his band called Scroll back around 2005. Mark had a big ambition and interest in recording his bands music and started learning about music production. As he got better, more and more local bands startet hiring him for recording. Through years of dedicated work Mark became one of the top underground producers on the scene, recording and mixing many of the bands that we covered through the Radio Muse programme. Even though his own music fell behind, he never stopped writting and after some time. In the beginning of june Mark released an album called Breeding Black Sheep, consisting of 8 songs, the album is just 21 minutes long. It is a raw indie rock album played wholly by him.

Production :

Radio Student from Zagreb, Croatia


Written, mixed and produced by Ivan Kolar and Ivan Vlašić




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