Bill Wiese has been a dedicated Christian and has served in various capacities, including teaching and leading worship since 1970. He is an accomplished speaker, appearing on four hundred radio interviews in the Christian and mainstream markets. He is a successful Realtor with over forty years' experience. .In his book “23 Minutes in Hell,” Bill Wiese describes his personal experience of Nov 1998. Wiese says that he was lying in bed at 3:00 am when he was plunged into hell – not in a dream, but in actuality
Although Bill had been a Christian for 28 years, he had never thought all that much about hell. After his hell experience, Bill spent six years searching the scriptures to find out what the Bible says about hell. He cites more than 150 scripture references to hell, all of which he discovered line up exactly with what he experienced. Bill says repeatedly, “Even if you don’t believe my story, I hope you will believe the scriptures and avoid hell just the same.”