New sub genre! How about "Drive Thru Metal"??!! Never one to stray from unique interview opportunities, we just had to speak with one Mac Sabbath (not a typo)! As kids of the appropriate age, Mac Sab is both a pleasant dream and a brutal nightmare. Since the members of the outfit don't actually speak, we sat down with manager extrodinaire Mike Odd to get the 411 on this bizarre combo. Mr.Odd gave us the origins of MS, explained the "Odd-itorium" and shared where this as going in the future. Order up!! Mr. Odd was gracious enough to share our stage with our old buddies in Canack thrashers Untimely Demise. The boys were in town recently to celebrate the release of their latest release "No Promise Of Tomorrow". We sat down with axeman Matt Cuthbertson (Into Eternity) for a chat in our "Extended Indie Spotlight". We discussed the new record, working with artist Ed Repka and guitarist Bobby Koelble (Death) and being tapped for I.E. In our "News, Views, and Tunes", we discussed the announcements of some major tours, new unique Anal Trump (!) product, and give the Horns Down to greta van fleet and king 810. Musically we crank our guests and new tunes from Cripple Bastards, Ektomorf, and Hate Eternal! Horns!!   

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