What's in a name? For a Metal musician, the surname (stage name?) of Slayes is most appropriate. Brittany Slayes, vox of Canadian power metaller, and Napalm recording artists, lives up to her moniker. Case in point - all throughout the band's recent North American tour. WE caught up with Miss. Slayes as they came thru town on one of the few remaining dates. We had the pleasure to discuss all the whys and wherefores of the band including their most recent effort "Apex", the said tour, and their very Metal band name. In short, Brittany slayed!! In our " News, Views, and Tunes", we had a quick round table with close RAM friends Ninjacat Prod.'s Cory Thomas and "Ducky" Dustin Maruca about the new "Slave To The Grind" documentary. We also go over the legalization of marajahoobie in Canada (eh) and have an animated conversation about the recent Decrepit Birth stage diving incident. Musically, we crank Unleash..., Altered Dead, Carpathian Forest, and the legendary Agathocles! Horns and Happy Halloween!!

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