It’s been a whirlwind of a year for Environment Matters’ new sponsor, WUKA wear. But whilst going from almost nothing to an award winning, successful company in one year, WUKA has still kept hold of its environmental credentials. On this week’s show, Amanda Yorwerth will be talking to WUKA CEO Ruby Raut about the highlights [...]

It’s been a whirlwind of a year for Environment Matters’ new sponsor, WUKA wear. But whilst going from almost nothing to an award winning, successful company in one year, WUKA has still kept hold of its environmental credentials.

On this week’s show, Amanda Yorwerth will be talking to WUKA CEO Ruby Raut about the highlights of 2018, plans for 2019, and some of the great things that WUKA has achieved on its journey so far.

Plus, Josh Kubale of Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust explains the reasons for the sale of Broad Colney Lakes and what the future might hold for them.