Previous Episode: Daily News May 3 2022
Next Episode: DAILY NEWS MAY 6TH

Pansexual Florida teacher canned for discussing orientation with students


The Ministress of Truth has determined that conservatives reporting on critical race theory are "disinformers who are engaged in disinformation for profit."


We will never be silenced—and certainly not by this show-tune tyrant.


Satanic Temple requests Boston City Hall fly flag celebrating 'Satanic Appreciation Week'


He Was 5'7". After Surgery, He’ll Be 5'10".

Originally designed to correct mismatched length in legs, limb-lengthening surgery has become more popular for men looking to permanently increase their height.



Amber Heard Details Alleged Abuse From Johnny Depp





Tulsi Gabbard 





Biden saying the "MAGA crowd" is "most extreme political organization" in history is outrageous. No matter our political affiliation or how we feel about the “MAGA crowd,” we all must condemn Biden's authoritarian effort to intimidate those who oppose him politically into silence


DOOCY: "Which state is trying to segregate LGTBQ children in the classroom?"


PSAKI: "I think we've seen laws that are incredibly discriminatory..."

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